
The South Wales band are becoming the talk of the scene, the up and coming band inspired by the likes of The Cure, LCD Soundsystem, John Lennon and of course The Beatles. Together they mix splattering’s of indie pop, punk rock and dance that has been called ‘indie shoe-gaze punk’ but; at their heart they believe in great pop songs and creating music that people can love.

Mae’r band addawol o Dde Cymru ar flaen tafodau mawrion y sîn ac wedi’i ysbrydoli gan rai fel The Cure, LCD Soundsystem, John Lennon ac wrth gwrs The Beatles. Gyda’i gilydd maen nhw’n cymysgu elfennau o indie pop, roc pync a dawns sydd wedi cael ei alw’n ‘indie shoe-gaze punk’ ond; yn eu calonnau maent yn credu mewn caneuon pop gwych a chreu cerddoriaeth y gall pobl ei charu.